travel niches

  1. Staff Writer

    General Article Planning Adventure Sports Vacations for Thrill Seeking Enthusiasts

    Staying on the same topic as per the recent article on niching down in travel, lets look at another awesome and profitable unsaturated niche that you as a travel supplier can specialize in. In today's fast-paced world, travellers are seeking more than just sun, sand, and relaxation, and many...
  2. Staff Writer

    Opportunities Solo Travel Planning: A Great Niche for Travel Advisors to Specialize In

    Solo travel is fast growing in popularity across all demographics and a very lucrative niche to specialize in. Solo travel is a preferred choice for students taking a GAP year and even for seniors, and often there are even those that solo travel in groups. As a travel advisor, you can help play...
  3. Staff Writer

    General Article Exploring 6 Travel Niche Ideas for Independent Advisors & Tour Guides

    We have touched on this subject in the past but were asked by a member to elaborate on some travel niche ideas which we will flesh out in this article. It goes without saying that the travel industry thrives on huge diversity, and destination options. Today, modern travellers seek experiences...
  4. Staff Writer

    5 Top Travel Trend Niche Ideas for Independent Travel Agents

    Previously we talked about specializing in specific travel niches. Here I will give you some drilled down niches that may give you some ideas where you can specialize. The travel industry is booming again now that the pandemic has passed. New travel agencies and suppliers are reopening their...
  5. Staff Writer

    General Article Finding Your Niche: How Independent Travel Agents Can Thrive in a Specialized Market

    In today's digital age, where most online travel agencies dominate general travel bookings, Independent Travel Agents (ITAs) face a unique challenge: That is...standing out in a crowded marketplace. One effective strategy for ITAs is to specialize in a specific travel niche. (In a future...
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